jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

doctors without borders

doctors without borders
The doctors without border are the created one for a group of journalists in France in 1971
 This group of doctors was stored in almost 60 countries helping people of malnutrition, epidemics etc...

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

the life of jesus

Jesus was born in a poor family, son of Jose and of Maria. Though the civilization christens it has imposed the account of the years from the supposed moment of his birth (with the one that would give beginning the first year of our age), it is known that actually it was born a bit before, so it was in times of the king Herod,
 About thirty years Jesus Christ initiated his brief public activity joining to the preaching of his cousin, Juan the Baptizer. After listening to his sermons, Jesus made to him baptize in the river Jordan, moment in which Juan indicated to him as incarnation of the Messiah promised by God Abraham. Juan was a prompt arrested and executed by Herod Antipas, throwing Jesus Christ to continue his preaching.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

nursing home

nursing home
It is a home for elders where there is given them home, food, I shelter where there are persons who attend to them fondly.

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

techniques and tools for soap carving

soap carving
The carved one in soap is easy and with fantastic resultsThe carved one in soap is easy and with fantastic results

1. Knife
2. leaf of paper
3. pencil
4. soap
5. plastic to put the sculpture etc

list of techniques

list of techniques:
fruit carving knives
carving teachers
fruit and vegetal carving
carving gallery

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

ancient toys and games mayas, Greece, Rome

toys and games mayas:
the mayas playing or example:
The game of the Mayan ball
It is played by a ball of rubber and is struck by the arm, hips to way that was getting into the hole of the game.
The agedre:
It calls this way for that it is similar to ajedres that was played by white and black stones by a board by small holes.
There was played that a person tape-worm the black stones and other one the white stones ponian the stones on line forehead the stones of opposite player

The toys of the Romans were adopting them as the peoples that were conquering a game the board that was played by 2 persons as the ajedres.

The Greeks having toys like boards and for the babies towards campanitas, baby bottles done with animals