jueves, 14 de julio de 2011


* what is owls?
The owls are a species of night birds that differ from the lechusas for his plumage.
* where do the live?
The owls live in places semi-desert zones, moderate forests, steppes and up to in the tundra.
* what do they eat?
They eat fruits and some Bush even to other owls and birds of dam. His dams can be both in the soil and in full flight.


protest and stike

what is protest?
The protest is a group of persons which they defend what they believe that it is his.

what is strike?
Assault is a protest of the citizens that gives itself for some occasion as the work.

relation of th two is?
The definitions he protests and assault they relate in that the two defend what they want.


jueves, 7 de julio de 2011


search for peace murals around the world to check ideas!
All the colleges do murals guernicas in the whole world celebrating the day of the peace, following the mural of picasso

busque si guatemala tiene cualquier mural contra la guerra?
The murals of peace in guatemala it is given in the walls that the young persons artists paint for his country

My conclusion is of that the murals of peace are interensantes and educational for that it is forming values in the youth of the whole world.