jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011


It was the last reyna of the Antiko Ejipto of the dinastiya Ptolemaika, also yamada dinastiya Lájida. This dinastiya was kriada for Ptolemy I Sóter, jeneral of Aleksandro Magno, I the last one of the yamado was endemás Period Eléniko de Ejipto.
 Kleopatra nasió asya the anyo 69 to. E.K. and he died enel anyo 30 to. E.K.. Eya was ija of Kleopatra V Trifena i of Ptolemy the XIIth Auletes, of the kualo eredó the throne enel anyo 51 to. E.K., kuando eya VAT to have 18 anyos, djunto kon his ermano Ptolemy the XIIIth, the kualo tinía sólu dose anyos, i ken VAT be endemás his husband (some kind of frekuente in the marriages rejios ptolemaikos). Eya was konosida komo the woman má fermoza of the istorya in his diyas.

jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

amazing things about earth and space

* The place mas warm of the land is the Valley of the Death in California.

*  The place mas cold of the planet is in Vostok, in the Antarctic

 * Can rocks float in the land? In a volcanic eruption, the violent separation of the gas from the lava produces a "frothy" rock so called pómez loaded with gas bubbles.

*  Where estan the Cathars mas high of the world in The Jump of the Ángel in Venezuela it falls down from 3.212 feet

 * Because the land is round? Due to the rotation of the Earth and to that our planet is much more flexible than it would be necessary to imagine


The current crewed spaceships would be late 700 centuries in coming to the nearby stars.

 The moon is 400 times more near the Earth that the Sun

 The moon separates every year 2 centimeters of the Earth

 The International Space station weighs near 500 tons and has the dimensions of a soccer field.

 A piece of a star of neutrons of the size of a pinhead would weigh a million tons.

jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

robots of the future

New investigations are orientated to the creation of robots that are more similar to animals, at least in the relating thing to his flexibility. This would do them mas useful in areas that go from the medicine to the spatial exploration.
 The sharp edges do not constitute any problem in the structures of a robot dedicated, for example, to the manufacture of cars. Nevertheless, in other environments, the above mentioned edges are unacceptable. Barry Trimmer, joint manager of the program of biomimética of Tufts's University holds that " many machines incorporate material flexes in his meetings, and they are very rapid, strong and robust, but there does not exist a current technology that could reach the performance of an animal moving in the nature ". One of the principal differences between robots and animals