The adverb is the class of invariable word that acts as core of the adverbial syntagm. It modifies to the verb, adjective or to another adverb.
types of adverbs:
Adverbs of place:
Adverbs of absolute time:
Adverbs of way:
Adverbs of quantity or degree: Adverbs that fulfill the function of epistémicos:
Adverbs of affirmation:
Adverbs of doubt or doubtful:
When the adverbs finished in - mind are coordinated, the completion - mind is alone obligatory in the last one: clear, simple Speech and appropriatly.
It is advisable not to excel itself in the use of this type of adverbs, since in many occasions they do not contribute any meaning to the terms of reference
what is a probles?
A problem is in the habit of being a matter of the one that is expected rapid and effective solution.
what is a solution?
Una solución es la respuesta a un problema o a una situación difícil.
examples of adverbs:
1.- A mano
2.- Rápidamente
3.- Sinceramente
4.- Recién hecho
5.- Invariablemente
6.- Velozmente
7.- Bastante cerca
8.- A tientas
9.- A gatas
10.- A fuerza
11.- Muy rápido
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